For nearly a century Federal Ammunition has put its focus on manufacturing quality products with cutting edge technology. This dedication to excellence has given Federal a competitive edge as an ammunition technology giant. Today the company is well known for producing high grade centerfire, rimfire, and shotshell ammunition that shooters everywhere know and trust.

Federal's Tactical® TruBall® Rifled Slug provides an amazing accuracy improvement for smoothbore shotguns. The unique TruBall system locks the components together, centering the slug in the barrel. This unique system promotes clean separation of components after muzzle exit to ensure greater down-range accuracy. TruBall is capable of 2" groups at 50 yards...more like what you'd expect of sabot slugs shot from a rifled barrel. Federal Tactical Slugs also feature an all brass head for improved extraction and ejection and a blue hull for easy visual identification. The TruBall Rifled Slug ushers in a new generation of rifled slug systems and provides the confidence you need in standard police shotguns.

1 box of 5 rounds.

Technical Information: Gauge/Bore: 12: Shell Length: 2-3/4": Slug Type: Truball Slug, Slug Weight: n/a.

Ballistics Information: Muzzle Velocity: 1300 ft/sec, Muzzle Energy: n/a ft/lbs.

Federal LE Tact. TruBall 12 ga Rifled Slug LEB127LRS 5 rnd/box


  • Shipping Weight: 0.5lbs
  • Manufactured by: federal
79 Units in Stock
West Warehouse: 0
East Warehouse: 79
  • Available for delivery to your specified location
Gauge/Bore 12
Muzzle Energy n/a ft/lbs
Muzzle Velocity 1300 ft/sec
Cost Per Round$2.00

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